How To Send Anonymous Email Without Getting Caught

With Blankstamp you can send emails anonymously thanks to its incognito mode. It prevents the recipient of the emails from knowing the source, although later you will be able to answer and you will receive your reply with complete normality. It is a free, but limited tool.
1: Choose your favorite mail platform
Sending an anonymous email can be tremendously useful, though we’ll let you guess exactly what. You may not want to come face to face when sending an email, and you are in your right. There is a tool that allows you to send a hidden email without having to install anything.
In addition, it has an unexpected advantage: the recipient can respond to the mail even if it has been sent anonymously. The mail will arrive in your inbox, even if that person does not know your email.
The trick works in Gmail and other platforms, such as Hotmail and Outlook.
2: Change the recipient’s email address
To send an email in incognito mode or, you must use a modified recipient’s address. Blankstamp does not require installation of any kind of software, just with a small touch-up on the mail you will be able to use it.
For example, if you want to send an anonymous mail to, in the recipient field you must enter “”.
The 007’s address is all a nod to James Bond, the most famous secret agent of all time.
3: The recipient will receive the mail from a false address
Just a few seconds later, your anonymous email will go through the Blankstamp filter, so that the recipient will receive it but not knowing that it comes from you. You will see a randomly chosen address with numbers and letters that have no meaning.
In the signature of the mail, you will see that it has been sent anonymously using Blankstamp, the company’s way of promoting itself through free incognito mails.
4: Buy credits to have unlimited incognito mail
Unfortunately, Blankstamp only allows you to send five emails anonymously a week. If you want to use more, you must buy credits on the company website.
In any case, if you are not going to use the service intensively, this amount will be more than enough. It is not usual to send emails sneakily, so for a punctual use, this little trick will come in handy.
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